Monday, December 31, 2012

exam review

i went into exam being told that it was a "mind fuck" by an online community of Netflix recommendations. it is not, the exam is a low budget movie about eight people trapped in a room told to answer one question but the papers they are given has nothing written on it. their prize is merely a job at a fancy company which is nice but not worth murdering people over. the film progresses edging toward an answer for all the questions it makes you ask and then gives the audience one of the dumbest twist's i have seen.

this film is very reminiscent of cube, with none of the fun. the only thing the movie the exam does correctly is make me want to kill myself. the film can be written by any idiot all you have to do is put characters is a confining situation make them go crazy and as they all slowly die off reveal a dumb twist then cut to credits.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Jack Reacher review

Jack reacher is a film that doesn’t try to do anything unique and it still fails. The basic premise is that jack reacher (tom cruise) is a drifter who is called upon by a man wrongly accused of murder to prove his innocence. The film relies entirely on the fact that everyone other than tom cruise is an idiot. For example at one point when two men attempt to attack jack reacher they both smash everything around him with crowbars multiple times and while bringing the crowbar back one hits the other in the head. The movie is like an unfunny three stooges at times.

The film is so ridiculously predictable and clichéd that I was waiting for the next action scene during the dull dialogue but even those were awful. The film had only two action scene and both were hard to follow and nothing made since, like tom cruise almost killing someone with a gun deciding not to and instead have a fist fight which results in tom cruise killing the guy. Another scene prominently featured in trailers is where jack reacher is being chased by the police and escapes into a crowd and members of the crowd hide him and give him a hat allowing him to escape. Why would 20 people in a crowd hide someone who is being chased by the police, they have no idea that he is a good guy and could have helped a serial killer escape.

Jack reacher is a movie with glimpses of well done cinema in it. (one scene where jack has a sniper and rolls over and the camera moves with it) but it is bogged down by a barrage of clichés and characters making bad decisions that the entire time you will wish you saw a better movie. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Stop, Drop, and die

so my new video is up to sum it up its a fake action  movie that i made at film camp with several other people. i thought it turned out pretty awesome and thats about it. so watch it and then comment. or not. i dont really care. oh and just to let you know originally the character had to get to school in three minutes or else he would be late but we changed it to a phone ringing

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dear zachary

i am still thinking about this after originally seeing it about four months ago. this is without a doubt the most emotionally draining film made, beating out requiem for a dream, and Schindler's list. the reason is simple, its real. i don't want to say anything about it but its one of the best documentary's ever made. anyway its on netflix instant and if you don't cry then you are most likely a sociopath. you can see it here if you have netflix

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Idream of siri

this is my entry in the doug loves movies fake trailer contest

Thursday, July 5, 2012

anger managment

after charlies sheen's breakdown in early 2011, he got fired from two and a half men. he did a couple commercials but other than that there was no movies or TV shows. when it was announced that he would play the main character on anger management i was hesitantly excited i thought that the premise sounded decent and since it was on fx the network that gets away with some very, racy programming, i thought at the least the show would be a mediocre sitcom with some good dirty jokes and charlie sheen playing himself. the  show is worse than imaginable because it is not just a bad show, it is a boring show. it is more family friendly than two and a half men, and even worse than that. but that is like comparing a piece of shit, and a pile of piss, they both are awful. the show is like renting a porno with no nudity you aren't expecting art but you want some hot chicks naked but you end up watching thirty minutes of it and nothing you wanted happens.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

bath salt's and zombies

so it has been about three week's since the man on bath salts ate another mans face. i would just like to complain about how absurd it is that people are calling it a "zombie attack" that is a man's whose life was ruined by another man and everybody thinks it's a big joke. i could see making fun of this in a couple of years but it is to soon. also zombies infect their victims and wouldn't be killed with a gunshot to the stomach

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

youtube and stuff

hello i just bought the url and set it to redirect here. i am working on youtube videos and have 5 videos which i need to edit. anyway they will be up soon so follow me on twitter for more info.!/spencerbroseph

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Art is bullshit

Jackson Pollock is bullshit.splattering paint on a canvas is nothing more than splattering paint on a canvas. some aspects of art are subjective but in my opinion having an epileptic seizure while holding a paint brush is subjectively bad. some artists experimenting with color theory although simple can be visually stunning vomiting random colors is not, while i'm busying saying popular things suck, whats the deal with Alfred Hitchcock? his boring movies are as bad as Edgar Alan Poe, or da vinci.

when i saw the look on her face i knew something was wrong.

when i saw the look on her face i knew something was wrong. there was a shock of sheer terror painted on her face. the whole moment took about 7 seconds but at moments like these they feel like a lifetime. i followed the path of her sight and saw it. a car crash head on. a driver in a yellow accord had a seat belt on and slammed his head onto the dashboard as blood flew everywhere.the other driver was even worse, her seat belt was not on her she shot and hit the windshield. in order to prevent the glass for shattering windows are covered in plastic to prevent that. when she hit the windshield it popped out of place, her screaming body flew over the other cars hood and skidded along the ground like a pile of ground beef in a human body being dragged by a string. the sound of her skull being crushed and the bare bone sliding was disturbingly reminiscent of the infamous scene from american history x. the screaming skidding girl was listening to an audio book of romeo and Juliet. when the collision happened the CD player messed up and started repeating "romeo oh romeo, oh romeo, oh romeo, oh romeo."

the were alive but barley, the girl was on life support and the man was paralyzed  from the waist down. and i was mentally paralyzed whenever i just hear the name romeo i cringe and think back this awful moment in my life and that is why i didn't read act three for homework.

(when i originally read it out loud in school my teacher stopped me midway through saying it made her feel sick)